Friday 7 October 2011


The heavy wrecking ball of the global economy swung widely in the last few years.  It has consumed many businesses, hitting the automotive sector particularly hard.  GMC was included in the group that did not come out unscathed and were forced to trim the fat, getting rid of brands and eliminating models. (oh yeah and receiving a massive government bailout on both sides of the big deal, but let's not get into that now.)  

I was extremely nervous about the resulting sales numbers, specifically with the choice to eliminate Pontiac over Buick.  However, the aggregate numbers do not lie, Buick's sales are up substantially on a year over year basis.  This is a pretty impressive feat considering the state of the global market at this time.  Granted this is not isolated to GM products, and across the board Automotive companies have done extremely well in the last year.   

Unlike the post recession vehicles that have been seen in the past that were cheap attempts at trying to make a quick buck, a light bulb seem to go off in manufacturers heads this time.  They realized that buyers want a high quality product, great technology and matching vehicle performance. Across the board I think we have seen this. I mean even Chrysler has had fantastic sales as of late and that is saying something. 

Anyways, back to Buick.  The new line-up features an impressive array of well designed vehicles both mechanically and visually.  I honestly believe that with this new line-up Buick is able to challenge a standard criticism that Buicks in the last few decades have been nothing but geriatric wagons. 

Both Buick and Oldsmobile were seen as the humble vehicle of the Sunday driver. Not exactly the personification of success. But, and this is a big but, though I strongly support their latest attempts to move away from this perspective, there still should remain some aspects of the old Buick. This is not necessarily a bad concept when it comes to quality and comfort of ride. Oh right I forgot, performance too. 

1970 Grand Sport 
Let us not forget some of the beautiful Buicks of yesteryear.  Every company seems to be doing this right now, looking back to the most successful vehicles that the automotive industry has pumped out and more specifically what Detroit has pumped out like the previous 1970's-80's Regal Grand Sport and Grand Nationals.

1987 Grand National

The introduction of the Buick Regal GS has me  excited when it comes to Buick right now.  It has aggressive styling, intoxicating interior and impressive 2.0L turbo charged engine.  When I look at it, it makes me grin (somewhat like the Grinch, minus the terrible dental hygiene)because I know what I am capable of doing with this car. Reading the spec breakdown on it makes you want to do one of those hearty Tim Allen-esque grunting fits! Okay so it isn't an 3-series or a C class, or A4, but Buick could reasonably have them a little nervous.

Would I rather have the 3 series or and A4?  Quite possibly, but I don't think it is reasonable to just shrug off the Regal GS. This is a European car at heart, an Opal in disguise let's remember!  This isn't a sad re-badge though, this is bringing to North American markets a high quality (performance) product 255hp and 290lb/ft of torque. Let us not forget that it has chrome 'fangs'!  Fangs on their own are very in at the moment, let alone chrome fangs. So if for no other reason then to make girls drool over your car, the Regal GS might be a good and fast option.

The Regal GS stands as a testament not just to GM fans but to car fans in general that even the most beleaguered brand can have a chance to etch out their mark on the automotive landscape.  Though Buick may not be the most striking re-brand, it is among the more aggressive attempts to truly target a new buyer and market.  Granted you are still going to have those perennial Buick buyers but if models like the GS continue to roll off the design block I honestly believe a shift in demographics will take place seeing younger and younger buyers of vehicles of this type. 

I look forward to seeing the demographic data relating to the purchasers of Buicks over the next couple of years.   Even more so, I look forward to seeing which of these lucky models will see the next generation of the GM Northstar V8 strapped under the hood - who knows maybe even a supercharged version.  

Regardless though, models like the GS make me continue to believe that ingenuity and appreciation for fine design still exist in the industry.  Some critics may claim that cars nowadays all look the same but I would say that we are witnessing a renaissance of design.  

Please do not get me wrong, I am in no way attempting to say that the Buick Regal GS is in some way the epiphany of the automotive design world.  However, I feel it is fair to take the perspective that, the Regal, like a note in a sweet melody, contributes to the beautiful complexity of the automotive anthem.  An anthem entitled "Back from the Brink".

Later days, 


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