Saturday 1 October 2011

something catchy

I guess the title kind of says it all doesn't it.  My attempt at trying to be clever actually serves a purpose, I think that it pretty much captures what the automotive industry is about in general.  All the planning, designing and creative development comes down to producing a product (or attempting to ) in order to capture a specific audiences' interest.  Whether it is a utilitarian box that acts as a people mover or an mobile work space, example the Ford Transit or a massive w16 Veyron, they each in turn serve a purpose.

As I cruise the internet going to my typical sources; blogs, newspapers, dealer websites and my many, many copies of a variety of auto magazines I find myself over and over unable to connect with the writer in many cases.  As a young, recent university graduate, with grandiose dreams of one day having a car collection as immense as Jay Leno or Jerry Seinfeld...ah who am I kidding? The likelihood of me being able to do that becomes slimmer by the moment but the point is that my love and appreciation for cars is no less as great.

This is where I am lost by most other auto writers.  When I read their stories about different vehicles I often become consumed by frustration as they totally miss the mark with many vehicles.  I have come to the realization though that maybe it isn't that they are missing the mark but rather are unable to appreciate these vehicles from the same generational perspective I am coming from.

So you may ask, "What's your point? Do you really think you can provide a perspective that is so revolutionary that it moves above and beyond the constant mundane writings of most of the automotive writers out there?" Well...maybe not but I think it is high time that I offer my own perspective.  Maybe in the process I will be so lucky as to have one of those writers out there stumble across my blog and see it not merely as just another 'auto-nut' writing about why he loves the purrr of the Ferrari 458 Italia, but rather a coherent analysis of what works, what doesn't and how to fix it.

I hope you find in the posts to come my love for the automotive industry and that you might look past my sometimes rambling writing to catch the subtle undertones that I am often trying to relate.  I encourage you to comment, critique and disagree, and I look forward to the adventure that I am about to embark upon in starting this blog.

Later Days,


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